Lutheran Early Response Team Training Event

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

 March 22, 2025

 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

 Immanuel Lutheran Church - 1258 Broadway N, Fargo, ND


LERT is a network of volunteers trained to respond in times of disaster.

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1258 Broadway N, Fargo, ND is hosting a Disaster Response training for individuals in their area to join a Lutheran Early Response Team

(LERT). Congregations are encouraged to send a group of people to this training so that when they return home there is a basis for a LERT team to continue developing disaster response preparedness in their congregation.

Who can participate?

Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend the training session. However, only LCMS members who are 14 years or older will receive certification as LCMS LERT volunteers. You will receive your certificate of participation, volunteer ID card, vest, and T-shirt from LCMS Disaster Response after the training is complete. Your LERT trainers will distribute all the LERT materials during and after the class. Congregations are encouraged to send a group of people to this training so that you can continue as a LERT-trained team when you get back home.

What will be presented?

The three main sections of the training are:

1. An introduction to the LCMS Disaster Response program

2. Congregational Preparedness

3. Lutheran Early Response Teams.

How long will training last?

Training will begin at 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Please arrive by 8:30 a.m. to complete registration and sign in.

What is the cost to attend?

Cost is $35 per participant. This is payable at the event with checks written to North Dakota District – LERT training 03-22-2025. Congregations may bring one check for their group. This cost covers training materials, T-shirt, and lunch/snacks.

How do I register?

Please register as soon as possible event at: This assures sufficient materials will be available to you the day of the event.

1. Sign up for a free LERT account. Every volunteer needs their own email address when they register.

2. This one-time registration process also includes:

a. your permission to appear in LERT photos

b. reading and accepting the liability waiver

c. selecting T-shirt size. 

3. Click on the “Districts” tab, then click on “North Dakota District” and select which event to attend.  

  Click to Register


Please contact Joan Buchhop,