He First Loved Us

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

by: President Arie Bertsch



He First Loved Us

     So what could, should, or would I write about in this month of February?  Bear with me as I think out-loud.  

     Let’s see, those of you in the One Year Lectionary will celebrate “The Transfiguration of Our Lord” this month; where as those in the “Three Year Lectionary” will celebrate “the Transfiguration of the Lord” next month, therefore, I will skip that topic.  (I may have stirred your mind as to what I am talking about with these “lectionaries.”  If I have, please talk to your pastor to explain it.  Or stay tuned for another time that I may talk about it.)  

     Another thing that I could, should, or would write about that happens in February is “Valentine’s Day.”  Now, that may be considered to be a civil holiday; generally focused on our love to those closest to us.  But I think I will go with that.  

     To stimulate this thought on “Valentine’s Day” let me start by asking the old-old question:  Which came first the chicken or the egg?  This seems to be a major philosophical question to many.  Since God created the animals in His six-day creation, I'd say, "the chicken."  

     How about this one?  Which came first - God's love for us or our love for God?  Take your time, think about it; don't answer too quickly.  

     There are a lot of people out there who say you have to decide to follow Jesus.  They say that you have to come to a point in your life where you accept Jesus into your heart and life.  This would mean, then, wouldn't it - that our love for God comes first?

     But then again, there are some that say, "well, there's a little good in everyone, and at a certain time in someone's life they begin following and believing in Jesus."  This would mean, then, wouldn't it - that our love for God comes first?

     Or, how about this one!   Be careful, this one's a little trickier.  Some say God comes down to meet us half way, but until we have the urge or desire to grasp His hand, we are not saved.  Even if we have some part in God loving us, could this be interpreted that our love for God comes first?

     Well, none of the above is what the Bible says.  As a matter of fact, the Bible is very clear: "We love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

     Let's go back to our worship practice in our church services where we confess that we are poor miserable sinners in the confession of sins at the beginning of our worship service.  In that statement we are confessing that there is no life, no good, and no love in us at all!  The Catechism is correct - we are dead!  Blind!  And enemies of God!   Not only do we not love God, we don't want to love God!  Our sinful nature is continually and always persistently rebellious against God - and that puts us in an awful spot!  No one is exempt.  As we confess in the meaning of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the one true faith.”    

     But don't fret.  God does love us.  God loves you.  His love is sacrificial.  His love is not a Valentine's heart full of chocolates.  His love is that His heart stopped beating in His own death in order to give you eternal life with Him.  His love is not a Valentine's card sent from heaven, but God Himself comes to earth to take your place as a sinner in order to make us perfect and righteous in God's sight, as 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God.”  You see, Jesus’ love is not a Valentine's romantic dinner for two with wine and flowers.  His love is the giving of His flesh and blood on the cross for your sins and then He now gives it to you in the Lord's Supper where He feeds you the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  

      God really does love you!  And He loved you first!  

     As God puts Himself inside of you as His Word enters your ears and His Meal enters your mouth - Love now lives in you, because God is love.  Now, if Love lives in you, Love lives through you.  This love is lived out toward your neighbor.  This love is lived out toward your boyfriend or girlfriend, your fiancé, husband, or wife.  For that matter, your love is lived out toward everyone whom you see and with whom you interact.  Therefore, Christians love - because God loved you first.

     May you hear more about this Love as we enter the season of Lent!  Have a blessed month (and Valentine’s Day) in God's Love!

Your servant in Christ, Rev. Arie D. Bertsch

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He First Loved Us

     So what could, should, or would I write about in this month of February?  Bear with me as I think out-loud.  

     Let’s see, those of you in the One Year Lectionary will celebrate “The Transfiguration of Our Lord” this month; where as those in the “Three Year Lectionary” will celebrate “the Transfiguration of the Lord” next month, therefore, I will skip that topic.  (I may have stirred your mind as to what I am talking about with these “lectionaries.”  If I have, please talk to your pastor to explain it.  Or stay tuned for another time that I may talk about it.)  

     Another thing that I could, should, or would write about that happens in February is “Valentine’s Day.”  Now, that may be considered to be a civil holiday; generally focused on our love to those closest to us.  But I think I will go with that.  

     To stimulate this thought on “Valentine’s Day” let me start by asking the old-old question:  Which came first the chicken or the egg?  This seems to be a major philosophical question to many.  Since God created the animals in His six-day creation, I'd say, "the chicken."  

     How about this one?  Which came first - God's love for us or our love for God?  Take your time, think about it; don't answer too quickly.  

     There are a lot of people out there who say you have to decide to follow Jesus.  They say that you have to come to a point in your life where you accept Jesus into your heart and life.  This would mean, then, wouldn't it - that our love for God comes first?

     But then again, there are some that say, "well, there's a little good in everyone, and at a certain time in someone's life they begin following and believing in Jesus."  This would mean, then, wouldn't it - that our love for God comes first?

     Or, how about this one!   Be careful, this one's a little trickier.  Some say God comes down to meet us half way, but until we have the urge or desire to grasp His hand, we are not saved.  Even if we have some part in God loving us, could this be interpreted that our love for God comes first?

     Well, none of the above is what the Bible says.  As a matter of fact, the Bible is very clear: "We love because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

     Let's go back to our worship practice in our church services where we confess that we are poor miserable sinners in the confession of sins at the beginning of our worship service.  In that statement we are confessing that there is no life, no good, and no love in us at all!  The Catechism is correct - we are dead!  Blind!  And enemies of God!   Not only do we not love God, we don't want to love God!  Our sinful nature is continually and always persistently rebellious against God - and that puts us in an awful spot!  No one is exempt.  As we confess in the meaning of the Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the one true faith.”    

     But don't fret.  God does love us.  God loves you.  His love is sacrificial.  His love is not a Valentine's heart full of chocolates.  His love is that His heart stopped beating in His own death in order to give you eternal life with Him.  His love is not a Valentine's card sent from heaven, but God Himself comes to earth to take your place as a sinner in order to make us perfect and righteous in God's sight, as 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God.”  You see, Jesus’ love is not a Valentine's romantic dinner for two with wine and flowers.  His love is the giving of His flesh and blood on the cross for your sins and then He now gives it to you in the Lord's Supper where He feeds you the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  

      God really does love you!  And He loved you first!  

     As God puts Himself inside of you as His Word enters your ears and His Meal enters your mouth - Love now lives in you, because God is love.  Now, if Love lives in you, Love lives through you.  This love is lived out toward your neighbor.  This love is lived out toward your boyfriend or girlfriend, your fiancé, husband, or wife.  For that matter, your love is lived out toward everyone whom you see and with whom you interact.  Therefore, Christians love - because God loved you first.

     May you hear more about this Love as we enter the season of Lent!  Have a blessed month (and Valentine’s Day) in God's Love!

Your servant in Christ, Rev. Arie D. Bertsch

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