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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod North Dakota District blog

From the desk of District President Arie Bertsch

He First Loved Us

by: President Arie Bertsch



He First Loved Us

     So what could, should, or would I write about in this month of February?  Bear with me as I think out-loud.  

     Let’s see, those of you in the One Year Lectionary will celebrate “The Transfiguration of Our Lord” this month; where as those in the “Three Year Lectionary” will celebrate “the Transfiguration of the Lord” next month, therefore, I will skip that topic.  (I may have stirred your mind as to what I am talking about with these “lectionaries.”

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The 60th Convention of the North Dakota District

by: President Arie Bertsch



The 60th Convention of the North Dakota District 

The following is a portion of my District President’s Report for the upcoming convention.  

The Convention Theme is: “Clothed in Christ’s Righteousness”

This theme is from 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 with emphasis on verse 21: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;

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Happy New Year!

by: President Arie Bertsch



HAPPY NEW YEAR! And you're thinking, President Bertsch, it is only December, so why are you saying Happy New Year? Well, last month I wrote about the end of the church year, so it only seemed appropriate that now I write about the beginning of the church year.

Advent is the beginning of the Church year because advent means “coming.” With that many churches have mid-week Advent Services. These services aren’t meant to be a burden but another opportunity to prepare for the ce

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Will You Have a Church Funeral?

by: President Arie Bertsch



For years as a pastor I would read the obituaries in the newspaper. My reason was to see how many would not have a funeral service in a church. Seeing those obituaries kept me motivated to keep reaching those who had no church home. Oh, I know, you can have faith and salvation without a church home, but it does put doubt or confusion in a person’s mind, because it is in the church that one receives the “Means of Grace” of Word and Sacraments, which give, keep, and strength

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Clothed in Christ's Righteousness

by: President Arie Bertsch



Clothed In Christ’s Righteousness

     “Clothed In Christ’s Righteousness” is the theme for the next District Convention.  Yes, I know, it is only June, but before you know it January 19-22, 2025, will soon be here.  Your congregation should have already received ballots for nominations of the different district offices, such as, district president, vice presidents, secretary and so forth.  You may want to mention to those who set congregation voters meetings to get this

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Connected to the Vine

by: President Arie Bertsch



     So, we have just celebrated another Easter!  He is risen!  He is risen, indeed! Alleluia.  But, what does this really mean for you and me?  How good are you at making connections and especially that connection in Easter?

     It is a very important part of our everyday life.  If you want a good job it would help to have some connections.  When I fly for Council of President’s meetings I have to have at least one connecting flight to get where I am going and I don’t w

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Easter Robs Death of its Sting!

by: President Arie Bertsch



Easter Robs Death of its Sting!

          Doesn’t it seem like Easter has lost its importance in our world? The simple answer is “Yes”. But why has Easter lost its importance, maybe even for you? As the world around us loses the true God, then something else must step in and take care of the number one enemy, “death”. That is why many consider death to be natural. With that thinking, we are born, we live, and then we die. That is the end of a cycle of life.


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The Rapture

by: President Arie Bertsch



The Rapture

     Last month I wrote about “Who is Israel”.  I did that because of the war between Israel and Hamas.  The misunderstanding of who Israel is, is now promoted because of the war.  Also, because of the war there is much talk about the signs of the End Times.  So now I write on the “Rapture”.   

    As the darker days of living in North Dakota have come, I tend to watch more TV in the evenings.  Along with that comes hearing and seeing more commercials.  There are

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Who is Israel?

by: President Arie Bertsch



Who is Israel?

     Sadly, with the war between Israel and Hamas (Muslim terrorists) I hear that many are confused within our Lutheran Church Missouri Synod congregations and the question has arisen: Who is “All Israel”?  The answer is “You!  You are “All Israel.”  

     This article is a brief summary of the Scriptural meaning of Israel.  I would encourage you to have your pastor do a more in-depth Bible study on this.

     Let’s start with what St. Paul states in Ephesians

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Joy to the World: A Christmas Hymn Reconsidered

by: President Arie Bertsch



Joy to the World: 

A Christmas Hymn Reconsidered

     First, I say Merry Christmas to all!  

     Second, as I was considering what to write for this article I was searching in my files and came upon this that I had written on the hymn “Joy to the World”.  I am not sure where I got this from, but I will share it with you.  

     Isaac Watts was a great hymn writer of his day. He is known for writing such timeless hymns as “Behold the Glories of the Lamb” and “When I Survey the

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Thanks for Nothing

by: President Arie Bertsch



1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Thanks for Nothing

     I am sure that many of you may not have the opportunity to go to church for Thanksgiving Day.  I know that this is true for my mother in a nursing home in South Dakota.

     Thinking of Thanksgiving and my mother I remember a Thanksgiving Day when it could have been said “Thanks for nothing!”  Mom had s

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"How Sinners Become Saints"

by: President Arie Bertsch



“How Sinners Become Saints” 

     The Reformation of the Church is a festival that we Lutherans celebrate every October 31, or as this year, on the Sunday before October 31.  It was the eve of All Saints’ Day – Halloween – of 1517, when a young friar by the name of Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  He wanted to start a public conversation about the practice of selling indulgences (pieces of paper that allegedly got you

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Prayer is not a Means of Grace

by: President Arie Bertsch



Prayer is Not a Means of Grace

     As a Christian and especially as a pastor I have often heard, “I maybe don’t go to church; but I pray.”  I would comment, “That is great that you pray because you are speaking to God.  But do you ever listen to Him speak to you?  I must remind you that to have a relationship with someone you need to have communication.  Communication is a two-way street.  Someone speaks and someone listens.  Your relationship with God should be a two-way

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