An overure (sometimes called a memorial) is the wish of a group within the District that would like the whole District to focus on some specific thing or work. This is given in "Whereas" and "Therefore, be it resolved" statements. Such as: Whereas, The Lord has told us to go into all nations baptizing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, therefore be it Resolved, That each congregation in the district have an international mission focus for the next triennium.
Who may make these overtures? A Circuit Forum (a gathering of pastors and lay people from a given circuit) may bring such an overture. A circuit meeting of pastors (Winkel) may bring an overture. A congregation may bring an overture. The Board of Directors and a Standing Floor Committee of the District may bring an overture. These overtures are due to the District President by September 19, 2024.
The overtures are gathered by the District President, and he appoints a Floor Committee to look at the validity of the overture (and if there are other similar overtures to bring them into one resolution). This, then is a resolution, that is brought to the District Convention to be discussed and voted up or down.
There are some deadlines that will come up in preparation for the convention. Such as: Nominations for President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary of the District, Treasurer and so on. Those nominations are made by the congregations of the District. The deadline for these nominations is July 19, 2024.
Another deadline is September 19, 2024, for Lay Delegate and Alternate Lay Delegates for the convention to be sent to the District President.